How much money did you raise from individual giving in 2023?$100.00
What percentage was online?50%
What percentage was offline?50%
How much money did you raise from individual giving in 2022?$100.00
What percentage was online?50%
What percentage was offline?50%
New Donor Acquisition
How many new online donors did you acquire in 2023?100
How much revenue did you generate from new online donors in 2023?$100.00
How many new offline donors did you acquire in 2023?100
How much revenue did you generate from new offline donors in 2023?$100.00
Donor Retention
What was your new donor retention rate in 2023?50%
What was your overall donor retention rate in 2023?50%
Key Metrics
How many visitors (sessions) did you have on your website in 2023?100
How many total online donations (number of transactions) did you receive in 2023?100
Donation Pages
How many visitors (sessions) did you have to your main donation page in 2023?100
How many donations came through your main donation page in 2023?100
Digital Advertising
How much did you spend on digital advertising in 2023?$100.00
How much revenue did you generate via your digital advertising campaigns in 2023?$100.00
Calculated Values
Overall Revenue Growth Rate0%
Online Revenue 2023$50.00
Offline Revenue 2023$50.00
Online Revenue 2022$50.00
Offline Revenue 2022$50.00
New Online Donor Value$1.00
New Offline Donor Value$1.00
Monthly Web Traffic8
Website Conversion Rate100%
Average Gift Size$0.50
Main Donation Page Conversion Rate100%
Percentage of Giving Spent on Digital Ads100%
Instant ROI from Digital Ads100%